
Acknowledgments that validate our management and encourage us to continue working for the development of the country.

Índice de Sostenibilidad Dow Jones

Índice de Sostenibilidad Dow Jones

We are one of the 10 most sustainable food retailers in the world and for the eighth consecutive year we remain the only food retail company in Latin America recognized for its sustainability standards, according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index of Emerging Markets. The company obtained 69 points, increasing its performance in a sustained manner compared to previous years.

Mejor Retailer Colombiano

Mejor Retailer Colombiano

Carulla was chosen as Best Colombian Retailer by América Retail, a specialized news portal on retail in Latin America, which brought together a group of jurors experts in the field.

Lideramos el sector de las grandes superficies: Merco

Lideramos el sector de las grandes superficies: Merco

We lead the qualification in the sector of large areas, according to the Merco survey that measures the corporate reputation of companies.


Most Influential Brands 2018

We are the third most important brand in the Colombian market according to the Most Influential Brands 2018 study, which evaluates the avant-garde, trust and corporate reputation


Compromiso por la igualdad

We received the “Commitment for equality” recognition given by the Ministry of Labor for joining the initiative of the EQUIPMENT Seal that seeks to end gender inequalities.


Índice Dow Jones de Mercados Integrados de Latinoamérica

We lead the Dow Jones Index of Integrated Markets in Latin America (MILA), which recognizes the companies with the highest performance in sustainability in the countries that are part of the Pacific Alliance.